"Ketchup is a slim jQuery Plugin that validates your forms."
Pros And Cons Of 3 Popular CSS Meta Frameworks "Frameworks like 960 and Blueprint focus on how things look and where they are placed on a page. [Meta] Frameworks like SASS and Less focus on the logical representation of styles and the augmentation of the CSS language."
Wow, there's a whole lot more going on about HTML5 politics than I want to know about. The Widening HTML5 Chasm.
And why didn't I know that there was a CSSquirrel Comic? SVGorillas and rgba jokes!
Seriously, June is the last time I posted? Wow. I even missed the official ten year old birthday last month. (2 out 3 of the links still work on that 10 year old page!)
Here's a link or two to make it look like something is happening while I throw together a re-design.
Why your Web content will look darker on Snow Leopard The Mac switched to Gamma 2.2 after 25 years at 1.8.
This Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind No - it can't really... no. I can't believe that.
You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again
American Airlines Web Site: The Product of a Self-Defeating Design Process "The biggest challenge to better design isn't getting better designers. The problem is organizational, and the hub-and-spoke decision-making process that was originally created to slash bureaucracy--that is, to create more decentralized decisions and less hierarchy. But the overriding weakness, which design thinking makes manifest, is that good design is necessarily the product of a heavily centralized structure. Great design at places such as Apple isn't about "empowering decision makers" or whatever that lame B-school buzzword is. It's about awarding massive power and self-determination to those with the most cohesive vision--that is, the designers."
Good comments in the above link too. One of mine would be that often way too much effort goes into the home page, we shouldn't forget that users spend most of their time in the interior pages - where the UX really matters.
Jared Spool's brilliant "Revealing Design Treasures from the Amazon" presentation. A must watch for anyone who's ever heard "Just copy the way Amazon does it" from a client. Of the many things you'll learn: "The simple Yes/No question that increased revenues by more than $1 billion".
Great Site Ranking in Google The Secret's Out "How many years did you register your domain name for? If it was only one then Google could hold that against you. "
Magic Ink, Information Software And The Graphical Interface. Lots of information on information design here.
"In this paper, I suggest that the long-standing focus on "interaction" may be misguided. For a majority subset of software, called "information software," I argue that interactivity is actually a curse for users and a crutch for designers, and users' goals can be better satisfied through other means."
"My biggest concern is that i live in a country where running belongs to those who never get there, while getting there is the right of those who never run."
-Moderate Iranian Presidential Candidate, Mir-Hossein Mousavi
From Life Goes on in Tehran a photoblog whose mission is to show Iran isn't the dangerous, radical country that we see on the news.
Eric Meyer is posting lots of feedback on the WaSP Community CSS3 Feedback 2008. Both of those links help explain the rationale, limitations and functionality of whatever the hell they're saying over at the CSS Working Group.
Some links
Cederholm: How I Might Deal with IE6 - is it time to hide all styles from IE6 users? I'd say not before the release of IE8 for most sites.
Eye-tracking studies: more than meets the eye. Google shows what some of the eye-tracking data they collect looks like.
Reading Assignments
The $300 Million Button How Changing a Button Increased a Site's Annual Revenues by $300 Million
The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
Design Meltdown An incredible collection of examples of design principles, elements, techniques, color usage and site types.
PVII Equal Height CSS Columns "This article covers one way of doing equal-height CSS columns, using our javascript solution."